
..:: click click::..

azam saye!!~

AzAm 2o11 !!!

(tag dr blog kak fasya jugak!!)  rajin tol die wat tagg.. ahaks..

azam  sayer!!! huh!! >.<"

Nak ripit2 azam tahun lepas leh ker???? (semua mcm leih kurang jer) wahahaha!!!

haaaa.... start counting eberibody!!~

1) nk belajoooo bebetol sebb tahun 3 dah ni~ tahun depan clinical year!!~ yeyy

2)  nk belaja saving~ asik igt mkn jerrr~ huuu mama kate  "kakak tiap tahun balik mkin mcm belon!! mcm  mana nk kawen ni??"

3) haaaa!! kene kontrol mkn!!!~ takleh bedal jer... (mcd kene kurangkan!!)

4) saye  nk tingkatkan kasih sayang saye kat kawan2, kat kakak2 kat abg, (banyak abg ngn kakak ni)

5) nk jadi mahasiswi yg baik!!~

6) nk jadi doctor yg skillful~

PaLInG uLTiMaTe!!!!

NEVER make A Person as my priority!!~ when I was just ONLY AN OPTION for them!!~ hehe~ ^_^

Sebenarnya.. banyk je lagi ni~ tapi kite kene bertindak mengikut arahan!!~ (err) 
takkn nk muat turun semua sini kann~  penuh la page blog ni~ dah la blog ni sedia semak.. 
*kalau boleh nk cari calon suami!!~ (mama jgn ketok ha~)

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to Someone With Lovesss~

for the TRUST that's not easily obtained.. 
and yet
 its not easily given.. 
for people who are trying to put their face in their own butt 
masking the original with sort of shit mask..
u shud've known that.. 
how much u are useless and wasting.. 
rather than feel yourself high n full of dignity.. 
u actually have nothing..
and yet actually u have one thing (that better consider u got null)
u have something to be SHAME of.. ^_^
u shud've realized that how much u're naturally LOSER
for the Times that irreversible...
as i carved no forgiveness given..
yet.. its still will be the same.. even after hundred decades passed by..
even if i appeared in other life... my biggest wishes is not to see u.. n still forgiveness is not yours~ 
live in a guilty .. live in the blame... such a great life u've created.. 
by the way.. 
all things happen when u determined of your choices that your life have to be in that way.. 
so u really think that your choice is wise enough?? 
nah.. i have no right to ask.. 
but why don't u give it a think.. instead of adding more shit to your life.. 
as the time goes by...
there nothing for me to be regreted of....
getting rid of u is much2 ease my way... 
who need a pretty liar in their life??? LOL
as the birds flew to the east.. 
I officially thrw u away  with the memories that not much memorable.. 
kinda harsh.. (better harsh to someone that shit you.. rather than harsh to yourelf for choosing shit person to be one of the the people in your shimmering life..) 

Moodirresistible.. and rebellious..

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Tade kaitan antara hidup dan mati!~

kata2 HIKMAT untuk hari ini!!!

penatttttttttttttttttttttt menungggggggggggggggggggggguuuuuuu~

letihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh berlakon~


imposter are dumb n suck.. I F*CK ImPosTer !!

LiaR is EveryWhere..

Truth Is The Hardest TreaSure

Being Sorry  Never been GooD

Last but not Least....

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I Have To Do It even I knoW its WronG!!~
(i have no choices :(( )

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Taggggggg Tet!!~

HonesTy ReveaLeD !!  yeahh~ 

[One] Who was your last text from?

si dia .. 

[ Two ] Where was your default picture taken?

pinjam kat pakcik gugel.. seb baik die kasi!~ 

[ Three ] Are you bored with life at times? 

hehe~ never!!~ tak pernah punn bored!!~

[Four ] Your current status?

[ Five ] What is your current mood?

Bese2 je kot... rasa mcm takut!!!~ epi~ (sikitla) geram (no comment)

mcm rojak je ler senang citer

[ Six ] Where do you stay?

kat umah flat... tingakat no 20.. takde lift!!!

[ Seven ] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?

yeah~ i want to be as innocent i used to be while im in my mummy tummy!!~

[Eight ] What's your favorite color/s?
hurm~ banyak ni!! nk kene list semua ka??

purple, pink, biru laut, hitam putih, maroon violet, lavender, silky white.. ahaks~

[ Nine ] Ever had a near death experience?

pernah!!!~ so freaky!~

[ Ten ] Something you do a lot?
chatting n surfing  (kantoi lerr!!~)

[Eleven ] Who can you tell ANYTHING to?
my sis!!!~.. 

[ Twelve ] Name someone with the same birthday as you.
mr sudin. 

[ Thirteen ] If you could have one super power what would it be?
happy!!!~ besh2 hee..

[Fourteen ] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
his toe nails.. (adeh kan dah terbgtau)

[ Fifteen ] Favorite season? 
seasons of breeding and makin' love 

[Sixteen ] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?.
yeah!!! upin ipin!!! ngn teletubbies!! cant help it.. pastu  shin chan!! doraemon!~ totally spies! danny phantom!~ catdog!~ spongebob!~  ngn kacang~

[ Seventeen ] What are you eating or drinking at the moment? 

nothing.. just a cup of hot choc (dah abes pun)

[ Eighteen ] Do you speak any other language?

yeah!! Bi, Arabic,Hindi,

[ Nineteen ] Describe your life in one word.


[ Twenty ] Do you have any tattoos?
tattoo yg lekat2 tu penah la.. sebb beli chewinggum dapat pree!!~ so pakai jer~

[ Twenty-one ] Who was the last person you hung out with?

my auntie!!~ we had our conversation along with a LOL


[Twenty-two ] What are you thinking about right now?

lapa!!! nk mam!! n him~

[ Twenty- three ] What should you be doing?

study!!! final in 10 days time~

[Twenty-four ] Who was the last person that made you sad/angry?


[ Twenty-five ] What are you listening to?
twilight new moon soundtrack..

[Twenty-six ] Do you like working in the yard?

yeah... if there are sumone i love doin it with me..  ironicaly~

[Twenty-seven ] Who is with you?

angel on my right n left shoulder... the God and the devil (setan le tu)

[ Twenty-eight ] Do you act different around the person you like?
aha~ sumtimes.. involuntary okek!!~

[ Twenty-nine ] What is your natural hair colour?

brownish black..

[Thirty ] Last time you were really happy.
tadi kut... . 

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SengaL TimE

kekalau la kan..
saye leh puto balik masa...
mesti saye nk reject belajar kat sini ... (tapi syukur jer sekrg ni alhamdulillah lagi) 
leh gak rasa duk negra org.. beljar kat sini.. hee best je sebenanya.. saje nk ngader..
bukan ape.. ase jauh dr mama ngn abah la... uwaaaa 
kalau saye saye leh terbang.... nk jer saye saye pegi ke campus terbang2..
pakcik teksi tu asik cekik darah jer.. >.<"
dalam dok kate .. "mayanfash lazimmi genih bas..."
die dukkkkk jugakkk kate "lak.. ana aiz genih kaman.." mengom laa... kang ku siku dia lelaju..
kalau ler kan... saye ade motobot... dah lama saye nek2 besiar kat laut depan flat ni...
haaa tapi sekarang winter.. kang ada yang tak sempat balik beku tetengah laut!~
kalau la kan saye ade banyak fb~
leh saya pasang scandal banykkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!~ (opss!! mati saye.. haha Gurau jer semata) setiaaaaa pelis.. (standby nk kene siku lelaju)
setia pada sape yea?? no comment..
kalau ler saye... ade duit banyk2!!! saye nk pi minang sidiaaaaaa... leh tak!!~ terbalik kot pun takpew~ 
kalau la saye ade otak geliga... saya nkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk jadi doctor cecepat~ 4 thun tu lambat agi wew.. huwaa...
kalau ler saye ade utot2 beso ketul2...
saye nk g belasah sape yg suke wat saye sakit hati...
korang yg kat sana sedia okk!! im cumming!! erks.. *coming

Mood : variegated 

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after so longggggggggggg... now im back.. rasa lama nya tak manja2 kan.. heee well btw i've been leaving u without any visit.. dah bersawanggggg hehe.. ok la.. now im back... n im trying to put 'sumthing' n keep my life go on with u.. :D ni mukaddimah jer.. hehe sebagai pemanis bibir pembuka bicara .. salam bertemu setelah berpisah... semoga semakin rapat setelah berjumpa.. :D

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