
..:: click click::..


hurm... ari ni rasa mcm nk post something... tapi..... entah la.. semangat rasa mcm fade jer..... kadang2 ade kadang2 tk de... runsing nyer...... hurm..... waaa nk nangis jer...

Assignment TYg tk siaP lagi!!

check List :
Histology = medlla of thymus
biochem = types treament n dianosis of thalessemia
anatomy = tak tahu topic lagi
patho = dengar kate mcm artherosclerosis
pharma = parenteral administration for ID anemia diesease
ID in pregnant women..

waaaaaaaaa semua tu tk siap lagi.. mati den >.<"


I can't sleep in case a few things you said
no longer apply. The matter's endless,
but definitions alter what's ahead
and you and words are like a hare and tortoise.
Aaaagh there's no description — each a fractal
sectioned by silences, we have our own
skins to feel through and fall back through — awful
to make so much of something so unknown.
But even I — some shower-swift commitments
are all you'll get; I mustn't gauge or give
more than I take — which is a way to balance
between misprision and belief in love
both true and false, because I'm only just
short of a word to be the first to trust.

hurm... is tht really so???

If man were immortal he could be perfectly sure of seeing the day when everything in which he had trusted should betray his trust, and, in short, of coming eventually to hopeless misery. He would break down, at last, as every good fortune, as every dynasty, as every civilization does. In place of this we have death. ~Charles Sanders Peirce


hurm... dah lama aku bg cibum kat tuan kedai tu balik..... wendunye kat die... sunyi jek rasa... rindu sgt ngan dia... even die just accompany me 3 days jer... die siyes wat aku fall ngn die... sgt2 wendu cibum... waaaa cibum missed u damn much!!!! huhuhu hopefully u are doin fine... kalo ade rezeki.. i will take u back... but if and only if..... huhuhuh

The New Start!!!!!

wew.. last2 siap jugak... hehehe my new blog dah siap... this is the first post for this blog.... hopefully i will continue posting.... huhuhuhuhu da~~ (mukadimah jek ni)