
..:: click click::..

A new Piece of my life... is now on board..

Assalamualaikum wbt...
dan salam sejahtera...

ngeeee~ :D

ok la... sebb lama tak update my blog ni rasa nya hari ni nk start ngn mukaddimah yang lazim la iaitu tak lain tak bukan update about myself...

few months ago i was in malaysia... sebb evacuation of the egypt malaysian student sebb ade riot tu kan... best giler kat mesia... sgt2 best ok... 
but now!!! im here again in alexandria... continue what i left to do here...

well there is a sad news  tht i need to tell i lost my cat... the orange cat which i named it as diddle.... died of internal bleeding of filariasis... 

erm... now the only one left is my snowy... n i love him very much... no one could ever imagine how much i love him...

then i started my studies.. classes as well as exams... been a very busy moment but still im stable... :) no worries at all...
with those all bad eyes and those probs coming n flowing into my life... im still very stable n still here continuing my study... Allah really hold me onto it... :D alhamdulillah~

nowadays i was attacked!! by flu n cold....   maybe sebb weather is changing.. from winter to spring so last week i got spring catarrhal... n now is about to change to the summer...  its pretty hot day but not as hot u guys felt in malaysia.. its hot... but u guys still feel comfortable.. n pluss my house is near the sea shore.. so.. nothing to be worried of i guess...

erm... wat else i shud tell... now is the seasons of exammm in malaysia as well as in here... hais...
i wonder if i ever live without exam week in here... har har har... kinda so not happening...

its been awhile since i hugs my mom n daddy... i miss my little sisters n brother... nothing here can be compared with what i have in malaysia... erm.. :((
tho things are not still the same... they are my properties n my strength after all.. no one can change nobody ever does... :)

well btw... nice writing in here... some expression of feelings to this kind of medium makes us feel better.... writing isn't bad... when u know where n when to do so.. just be urself n try to do the right thing that u think beneficial to u... u wont regret and there no blame will be place onto ur head when u did sumthing good for ur self...  its for our own satisfactions.. no one has right to deny what u know about urself.. only we know the best of ours n still He knows us all.. :)  
