
..:: click click::..

~Nasib badan~

Dear diary~

rasanya dah lama tak post...
kebelakangan ni agak bz...
dengan exam lagi dengan asaimen yg menimbun...

pastu dah elok2 lepas exam...
demam pulak menyerang....
just out of sudden...

ni pun dah kebah sikit sebb ade mkn ubat
FLUREST nama die 
sedatives giler siot~
tapi best...
lalok jer~
heeee mcm drugs addict pun ade...
mata asik nk pejam jer...
tido je sepanjang hari~

tapi tak leh la mcm tu satu hari...
banyak keje nk kene settle...
lots to study...
lots to revise..

next month dah nk strt final...
so kene strt dr awal kalo tak nnti.. sakit badan ooo...
mati den..
penat giler~
badan rase tak bermaya jer..

if my mom was here...
i will never be suffering like this...
kakak needs u...

P/s :
Rindu mama sebenarnyer~

- Mcm2 Ada -

Darklove.jpg anime couple image by animegoddess1313
romantik nyer~

Selalu an...kalu org tengah bercinta ni kan...
dewang asik nk berkepit ja....
kehulu hilir..
atas bawah..
takut sgt sgt terlepas...
mcm2 madah kuar nk menunjukkan keromeoaan dan kejulietan mereka2 ni....
sleepy-1.gif Sleeping: Emoticon image by Sakura-chan002

"lautan api sanggup ku readahi la"
lautan neraka sanggup ke???
bahang pun dah boleh lebur kan kulit ni pulak nk berenang
tak leh pakai la... tak realistik lansung..

Hell.jpg Hell Zone Title image by Thesspian

"langit ketujuh sanggup ku daki"
aku rasa sebelum sampai lagit pertama dah kene panah petir..
yo la sekrg dengar kate kat malaysia tengkujuh da~
dah tak kesampaian... cian~
si awek yg kat bawah dah dok melilau cari ganti..
padan muko..
tula pokok banyk.. langit jugok ekau nk g manjat~

pengembaraaan ke langit ke -7

mcm dalam titanic tu pulak...
 "u jump i jump"
kalo den takdo nya u jump i jump...
kalo aku la...
bila u jump i say bubye...
tamo eh dok jump.... patoh kaki sapo mau jawab...

ni baru sehidup semati~ jumpe toghede - ghede..
lembu tu takut kene sembelih tu yg tuko habitat masuk laut~ hik~
leh lumba berenang ngn dolpin tu..

ado yg sampai nk nuko diri jadi mende lain... ape hal~
contohnya mcm ni...
'kalo u jadi mangkuk jamban.. i akan jadi berus nya...so i akan jaga n cuci u tiap hari..."
mak aih..giler sehidup mati la katakan.. 
eeeii... tak mucuk ke~
agak2 la... sampai nk jadi berus tu.. haiyo.. kalo aku.. aku kate jek mcm ni..
"kalo u jadi mangkuk jamban~ i akan jadi org yg berak kat mangkuk u tu...regular lagi~"

tu ke rupa u bila u jadi mangkuk jamban?? 

ade yg sampai nk suruh belah dada...
nk bukti kebenaran la kunun...
"amik la kapak~ belah dada i.. u akan nampak nama u.."
perhhh jiwang siot.
baik aku amik kapak gi tetak ayam...
leh wat goreng mkn pon sodap..
ni kalo i tetak u.. tak pasal masuk otel besi...
kes naya~

sedap ni....  fillet DADA ayam~

ade yang kate...
"kan ku petik bintang2 dilangit kan kuhadiahkan untukmu~"
perhhh... nk petik bintang ke???
waaa leh la lekat kat bilik..
bajet jer... petik bintang di langit ke... petik bintang di kedai...
takat beli bintang berkelip tu,,
den pun boleh beli... cakp jek kat kedai tu..
"kak.. glow in the dark star sepeket~"
abes citer~
lagi pun.. nk g petik binting tu tinggi.. and bintang tu pulak.. ade waktu mlm jer... 
malam kan gelap...
kang nnti... nk g petik bintang terpetik mende lain lak..
tak pon arwah sebelum sempat sampai angkasa...
sebab ape??
kene langgor air asia..

mampu tgk jek la...

ape pun believe me..
bg aku la
ade beberape jenis cinta jer yg kekal abadi..
1. cinta kepada Maha Pencipta 
2. cinta pada raasul malaikat dan kitab (alquran nur karim)
2. cinta kepada ibu ayah dan keluarga.
3. cinta kepada ilmu 

dan nombor empat ni cinta yg aku rasa boleh kekal abadi..insyaAllah~
 4. cinta antara suami soleh dan isteri solehah.. akan tembus sampai pintu  syurga..



hik~ dengan itu 

So Long~

Candles3.gif May she rest in eternal peace image by HollyG714
You look so peaceful lying there
With your hands folded upon your chest.
You look like you are sleeping
But you are at eternal rest.
So Long For Now.

Not a hair out of place,
Your make-up nicely done,
A beautiful smile upon your lips -
For now you are with Absalom.
When someone special passes on
It does not mean they are gone,
Though they are no longer with us
Their memory still lives on.
It hurts so much to lose a friend -
Especially one that is trustworthy and kind.
Nan Legge, you were that special friend,
A rare and special find.
Nan Legge, you will always be with me
In spirit and in mind.
You will always have a special place in my heart
Forever until the end of time.
Nan Legge, I will not say "Good-bye".
This is not the end.
So I will just say, "So long..."
Until we meet again.

Nothin Much~

HarI Ni...
Nak CaKaP sIkIt Jer...










[Wasting Time]


P/s : smiley-wink.png 567 image by kadafiathens
Kepada seMua MakHluk Di Luar Sana..
Kalo Anda Terasa..
siLe Amik DaN SimPan..

Smiley.png orgasm smiley image by DreConSmith

The SorRow FeaT GlooMy

7d2d9c946354b290a81112e6777b48a9.jpg picture by mira_sakura

 My SoRRow and GloOmY  HeaRt

As The Days Goes By...
My Life gettin Sorrow and sorrow..
Theres no way i could see any shine of happiness
not even a dimmed one..

All steps taken..
makes no change..
i was stuck..

i keep turning back..
 if i've missed any clue behind...
it kinda useless
but still..
i keep searching..
for that Happiness
gloomy had become my world..
is kinda hard to be done..

i was inconsolable..
every single thing was troublesome..
every single matter was kinda awkward..
i was helpless

i found myself gasping...
finding some space and air.
out of this gloom n sorrow..
im searching for a breath..
to continue my journey..

What waiting me at the front...
i never give a damn...
this way is not the way i've chosen for my life..
i was just drowned in here..

i will do anything..
to have my life back..
everything.. & anything...


cJODWG0FrK40dk5xztFAAA.jpg Love Morals image by Gutchain

mampu ke??
9.gif sad love quotes image by sunnybelle13
yeah really sick of it
290.gif sad love quotes image by sunnybelle13
Sumtimes it does..
big4864484.jpg image by mira_sakura
take my heart too if u're leaving..
because its all urs since from the very beginning,..
and it will always be urs
love_sphere.gif bl love circle image by justme56
Love CirCle
quotes.jpg Love Quotes image by ilubbmybruther

loveheartfont1.jpg image by findstuff22

99a88cdd7f943f6a13a618c9689be3fa.jpg love quotes image by mimi1029384756

love.jpg image by FindStuff2

quote-2.jpg image by FindStuff2

aww-1-1-1.jpg love quote image by DUCKYXDONUT

e4.jpg Funny quote image by kikiEbbY
ha~ hehe 
quote-3.jpg fffrgyyth image by Onedream2hearts3barrels

Quote.jpg strong image by justme56

red33.jpg Quote image by justme56

yeah... alot of them did..
quote_marley.gif bob marley image by iloverichdorks

~JejAka IdamAn AKU DaRi OberSeA~

disney-cinderella-prince-gif-7.gif disney image by aebuitenhuiswoudenberg
Sapekah my prince charming....
somebody got to be my only prince..

Berikut Di Senaraikan JeJakA iDamAn SayA dari Beberapa Buah Negara...
3 oRg seTiaP NegArA

Yang Pertama!

Dari India!!

shah rukh khan
arjun rampal
shahid kapoor

Yang Kedua!!!


mike he jun xiang
Jerry Yan
vic zhou

Yang Ketiga!!

Hong Kong

nicholas tse
Leo Ku
ekin cheng

Yang KeEmpat!!

korea ni special case sikit.. may be more than 3 kot.. hehe..

bay Yong Jun
lee dong wook
kim rae won
lee min ho
hyun jung

Yang KeLima


ben Affleck
robert pattinson
drew seeley

Yang Terakhir!!


ashraf muslim
zul huzaimy
mr. X <--- refer to a person ...
Yang nama Die... 'Secret'
rasanya die tahu kot..
i adore him.. i admire him.. n banyk2 lagi la..
die tahu.. i know he know..