
..:: click click::..

My FinaL ExAm SchElduE


makhluk yg paling saye sayangi~

jgn biarkan rumah tangga anda begini...

Cats sunbathing

hehehe mak2 kucen ni bru lepas g spa...
pastu sun bathing jap bagi bulu tuko kaler.. 
mana tahu leh jadi wane perang mcm shakira ke..

kucen ni pulak baru lepas telan anak ular sawa...
mak ai... agak2 ler... huu mcm bunting pun ade~ 

Funny cat shower.

woii.. aku tak mo mandi la~ 
sob sob sob T_T

Puppy and kitten are embraced.

salah partner ke...

Two cats spying.

abg.. cantik kan pemandangan dr atas tanki flash tulet ni an... 

Cat is the scuba diver.

mcm mana nk kuarkan kepala aku deh~
tersekat pulak..
tehehehehehehe.. hehehehe

Circle cats.

ying dan yang~

Hands upward.

ala pakcik... jgn la tembak...
ikan kat pasar mahal la... bukan tamo beli~
so terpaksa la... amik sekor jer...


asah gigi jap...

ajarla kucen anda cara menggunakn printer sebelum semua di atas ini terjadi~

semoga manusia yg takde otak yg telah menyebabkan seekor kucing yg sempurna pada awal saat kelahiran cacat seumur hidup kerana mencuri seekor ikan...
akan mendapat balasan yg setimpal...

dear diary...

u know what.. while im writing this pst...
im not at my house...
i wass in asian restaurant nearby
aunty suzi was kind enuf to let me use her ntebook...
heee... so i tke this opportunity posting my entry~

he.. thts all....
im in BAMBOO.. 


Dear diary~

here... today...
these are some reports about me...

these few days..
my body was not went well..
as the temperature keep goin up and down..
its my body temperature not the weather..

i couldnt focus on what im doin as dizziness always bothering me...
hanging on my eyes makes them always wanna shut down all the time..
and those dizziness is tones in KG
there like sitting on back make me feel like lying down on my bed for an entire day..

there nothing much i could do..
i hate fever... 
in fact.. u know what..
my hobby is eating~
but then since this FEVERISH devil..
they do steal taste of eating..

 kinda my esophagus are obstructed..
filled with god of mud..
my stomach... 
there kinda sumthing crumpling it...
sumthing movin in it..
ufff... tht is awful

i couldnt see how much my day gonna be more bad..
im nausea all the time...

my rumate..
she kind enuf making us 'masak asam'
i do loved it b4..
but then  last nite..
i just cant make it down to my tummy..
oh~ im sorry~
tht is not because of ur cook are bad....
they are perfect..
i swear
this thing  got sumthing to do with my stomach..

im hungry!!!
but then seem like nothing could reach my taste bud..

i feel like wanna make my stomach empty~
as i did last nite~
such a relief...

how can i get over this...
i really wanna get over this..
its distract my day~
my plan~
my study~
as im so dizzy to movin around~

kinda my esophageal sphincter loosen
my stomach content movin up every single second..
Mama.. help me~

really need a break~

ConFusioN kiLLing Me

Dear diary....

nothin to babbling about so much today...
it just kinda confusion strike my head..
few times..

what kind of confusion??
i dnt know either..
everything tht i want to do.. 
everything that i've planned to do..
seems like everything goes wrong..

i dnt know if i do make a mistake...
without realize it..

this confusion really obstructed me...
there no such way to make me feel relief...
out from this boredom...
out from this confusion..

goods and bads..
i almost cant differentiate between both of them..
just like i said..
everything seems to go wrong..
in fact everything is wrong..

i try to put my focus on what i should put it on..
but then..
i just cant...
kinda my heart says sumthing else which i dnt know what it exactly is...

hurm this kind of feeling really miserable..
but then my heart just so not over it...


-A Story of a Girl-

nak dengar satu cerita tak??
cerita nyer...

is about a girl...
as a whole.... she's kinda quiet girl..
keeping everything within her...
nobody knows...
even her mom..
never able to figure her out..
she's a girl..
who believe in love n faith so much..
she's a girl..
who also believe that..
one's hard effort always will be rewarded..
just in the matter of time...
she keep put her hard effort...
in doin every single things...
in every single aspects...

she hurts a lot...
but then she never care...
in fact..
she never give a damn about the pain she suffered..
her heart.. frequently..
she had scars everywhere in her heart...
cuts is everywhere... 
but then..
she never care....
she keep moving on....
instead of cure the wound...
her blood dripping...
along the path she has been pass through...
leaving a spot...
a paint of memory...

in every single spot of clot
there are full of memories...
that have been created within time...
before the clot left there unwanted...

baru2 ni..
she's having a crush on a boy...
as i told u..
she's quiet girl tht kept everything inside her..
and she never ever thinks to put her crush on the reality...
she afraid of losing...
she afraid.of rejection...
these things really freak her out...

but then
after sometimes she started to realize...
when that boy start to show some signs..
that they are actually share the same feelings...
but then still...
she's scared...
as well as tht boy...
it kinda unsure feeling bound our heart tightly..

both of them...
trying hardly...
to make each other understood..
whats goes around inside their little heart...
giving out signs... symptoms.... signboard... :D
everything.. to show what they feel...

time passed..
now everything is settled..
settle like...
(paham2 sendiri la k..)

whats she believe in ...
was really worthy..
love... faith... and effort...
end with a very mirth ending...

believe in what ur heart want to..
u will never regretted it..