
..:: click click::..

ConFusioN kiLLing Me

Dear diary....

nothin to babbling about so much today...
it just kinda confusion strike my head..
few times..

what kind of confusion??
i dnt know either..
everything tht i want to do.. 
everything that i've planned to do..
seems like everything goes wrong..

i dnt know if i do make a mistake...
without realize it..

this confusion really obstructed me...
there no such way to make me feel relief...
out from this boredom...
out from this confusion..

goods and bads..
i almost cant differentiate between both of them..
just like i said..
everything seems to go wrong..
in fact everything is wrong..

i try to put my focus on what i should put it on..
but then..
i just cant...
kinda my heart says sumthing else which i dnt know what it exactly is...

hurm this kind of feeling really miserable..
but then my heart just so not over it...
