
..:: click click::..

U ThinK U KNow URseLF WeLL??

as the Love passed by...
a heart is now undefinable...
what it has what it has lost..
now an indefinite step taken 
to bring it nowhere it used to be..
as the confusions always keep running after it..
as night seems to be all black and dull....
theres no way a light from an old oil lamp could ever make it vivid
as day never been so bright...
even the sun can't make u see what u can't see...
as glistering dew falling onto green forest .. 
while the shine of the sun slowly approach the sky..
chase away the horizon of dawn
 what every sapiens wish to have and wish to lost..
there is phrases...
and there are feelings...
that everybody could never  realized...
why should we wish for something that we never ever wanted..
some might says... god knows better what the best for u..
some might says... the things that we always push away.. 
is actually what we need the most...
but what i'am saying??
i shall say... if u knew yourself.. u wont have to spit those kind of words..
as those man of letters put such meaning in their words...
just to make it alive as it  was just a dream...
a dreams that u can only think when time passed by..
a dreams that u able to let go.. when u got another 
somehow after it make u tired some.. u surely will left it behind
so .. it just a words..
the words of a Adam to Eve...
the words of a mother to a child...
is what we should have put  into our bowl of thoughts..
sweet talker are damned...
believers are dumbs...
don't u ever think the best way is to dump those stupidness ..
stalker is bushes..
once u cut it off.. don't u ever forget to watch over it.. it might grow again and over again.. 
and u might not realized when u are actually trapped.
bustard never claim... as they have thoughts of bloody eminence of themselves..
what u shall call yourself then?
have you ever give it a think??
are you noble enough to be in such white plain satin...??or you just realizing that how you are after reading this...??

Being a Naive is Better Than Being A Rotten Meat In a Can Because At Least we've Been OurSelf  Rather Than Hiding in SucH Opaque Can AND Let UrSelf Rot... PeopLe Will  Just Throw U Away When They FinaLLy Found That U Do NO GOOD

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