
..:: click click::..

tears hard to be understood

gloomy day

it was pretty a long time..
Since the sun shine ever brighten my sky
its been along time too till i realized that i was gasping..
it was too dull... it was too gloomy 
seems likely the earth of mine was blew up by huge tornado..
nothing seems to be the way it was..
the moonlight fading away... 
bringing together creeping step of love dust..
slowly passing through out decades of times..
its hard to stand..  and falling is hurt..
I've been wishing for a reason... to be elaborated..
I've been waiting for a truth to be revealed..
and yet.. wish is just a wish..
and waiting is worthless
this pieces of heart of mine hurting over again
turning over to the other leaf seem to be the most impossible thing to be done..
as wind whisper... and the birds chirping literally calm my mind..
bayou of the medi oceans... and the shadow of the darkness revealing the most wonderful part of universe secret..
the realm ain't cruel..  solitaire was a nearest souls diving deep into the sea of life ...
once as it trying to bring up the truth..
but sometimes what we saw is not what actually it was..
as its still blurry till u ....
revealing ain't an easy process...
revealing ain't  something that really can make u smile... mostly..
there's no end of life enthusiasm 
there's no border for howling sadness..
souls and life is torturing when u deviate form its path...
life never been so wonderful and yet it never been so easy..
at the very last of all this sigh...


ni update terbaru about me n myself..
evacuation is on 1 am 5th feb 2011
g jeddah naik flight
pastu dr jeddah naik kapal laut???
7-10 days plak tuuuuuu
sib baik mama volunteer nk tolong belikan tiket..
waaa sian mama dah la tiket mahal.. T_T
hope fully usaha wisma putra ngn mara mintak kerajaan tukar kiteorang nek flight balik mesia termakbul sebb jauhhh siottt... 10 ari lak tu atas kapal..
kalau star cruis tape tau
ni kapal tldm.. can u imagine.. bukan nk demand or ape.. tapi entah la... huhu~
tapi hope sgt... leh balik nek flight.. 10 days is long time... 

my new update.. hurm~

Dear Mr.Diary.....

Its been a long time ago since i write in you...
At first i was busy with my exam.. so i 've got to leave you for a moment with thought 
that we will meet again after a month..
Things come and goes uncertainly...
As fast as a blink of eyes.. i almost finished with my final exam...
Too many of that i wanna tell you.. the tears.. the tense.. n the funniest thing about all i've been goin thru..
As i said... thing s come n goes uncertainly... and everything become upside down..
 a very unfortunate of me... stuck in this life threatening situation..
We all Malaysian student in here.. (Alexandria,Egypt) was ordered to be in home.. 18 hours starting from
 1 pm till 8 am in the morning.
The curfew was launched because there was a big riot held in capital of Egypt, Cairo.. and in the center of Alexandria the place where i'm living..
For the time being... we are all safe except an unfortunate girl who was raped n robbed.. in a place call Mandarah  nearby my city.. well we not sure whether that is true or just a rumors..
By the way... there a lot of news i heard from Malaysia... about the evacuation~ is it true???
I was afraid of hoping they will evacuates us.. its kinda freaking nightmare that i was stuck in this situation..
I really hope they will make it out.... living here now become so much unbearable.. i;m sure u will never want to experience this kind of life.. its like living in world war 2 era.. 
soldier is everywhere giving u such a freaky stare... 
As i walked by the street...  broken glass is everywhere.. police depot was burnt down to ash.. all the government properties are destroyed.. it was like hell fall down here.. 
First day of riot..  there were thousands of resident joining and show the rebellious toward the government... 
Few was killed... and injured.. noisy sound of a outburst voice of the resident breaking the quiet space of the Egypt atmosphere..  violence is everywhere..  tanks was here and there.. the army was scattered all over.. trying to solve n put the situation under control... guess shooting incident happen and worsen the worst  riot..
we all the malaysian student was not excluded from the consequences..  food supply was like stopped.. also the telephone line was terminated for 24 hours on the first day of riot.. restore  in the second day.. it just the internet just restored today evening.. :D thank god.. i miss my mom... my dad my family~ n i miss him... so much.. i can endure this thing for any longer... 
the bad news about me... i have to send my kids (abg & adik) to someone else that can take care of them.. huuu wat a sad farewell.. n of course i'll try my best to not let this farewell became a forever goodbye... i love them more then i love myself.. but for the time being.. i just have to put this thing in that way... huuuu..
to much writing.. so guess better stop here  and i'll continue if there any updates about me soon.. insyaAllah as long as as the connection is not terminated again..