
..:: click click::..

menjenguk tingkap blog saye jap...

Bersawang blog saye ni... insyaAllah lepas exam saye update ok!! wait for my return!!! 

tagged tagged tagged tagged tagged

Ha..... curik dr blog Kak Sya Lagi.. ngee..

20 tentang saya???  Ha.... jenuh pikio la...

- masa sekolah ke??? saye kalau amik barg suke amik banyak2 tak suke satu2.. 
so selalunye nomot saye 40.. 30.. hahahah!!

- 3 nama samar samaran
aaaa sat nk pikio...
- kak long kat rumah..
- mira kat kelas..
- nana kat irc.. ngee

- 10 may   = Besday abah

- 14 may  = Besday mama
- 30 november    = Besday tuut!!
- 28  feb      = Besday adik tersayang!~
- 28 ogos   = Besday adik bongsu
- 26 oct     = besday my adik lelaki..

-g kelas.. study... study... deting n bukak pose...

- biler result tak fail.. ngeee
- biler selaun masuk berkoyan!!
- biler boleh deting ngn dia...
- bilerbalik mesia....
- biler saye berjaya capai GOL saya untuk hari itu..

- Membace
- Tenet
- deting n study...
- temenung and gomol2 ngn kucen
- aaaaa tatau dah... tidor kot.. ngee


-no idea y i did this tag
-sebb bosann
-tatau nk wat ape
-sebb sunyi n perlu sumthing untuk melupakan kesunyian
-sebb ngantok tapi tamo tido

- pempuan
- 21 tahun
- bujang /separa bujang
- sekarang dok kat mesir
- menangis kekdang menjadi rutin
- tak suke diganggu bile aku tengah moody
- suke n sygkan kucen..


- family saya la....

mende yg plg suka buat
- haaa ngelat..!!!!!

mende yg wat anda plg bosan
- dok saje!! tenung skrin

if g kepci or mekdi mende pe yg plg ske mkn 
- mekdi - suke apple pie.. sebb sedap la. kepci - cheesy wedges sebb
 i do love cheese

plg mnat sjarah? (paling minat sejarah??)
- boleh la.. sebb tamo bg slack result pekse...

bagi satu teka teki & jawapan sekali.. lepas tu mesti lucu 
atau misteri??
- cube toleh belakng?????









haa sape suh pandang skrin ni.. pandang belakng pelis...








haa!! sakit tengkuk tak?? itu la jawapan die.... 
(maaf atas kebodohan yg berlaku)

umah yg plg anda idam? (rumah yg paling anda idamkan??)
-Umah yg lengkap n hi tech n besar... ... 

Just Another Tagged Like Previous One

1.Apakah benda yg paling penting dalam hidup kamu
Lappy laaa  tanpa lappy sapa lah saya....

2. Apakah benda terakhir yang kamu beli dgn wang sendiri
semua benda la... sejak duk negara org ni...

3. Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu
haaaaa kaween kat kampung pastu hanimun kat europe... n australia... ngeeee

4. Berapa lamakah anda rasa hubungan anda berkekalan?
if do have one... i wish for long lasting happily forever ever after...

5. Adakah anda dilamun cinta?
yah!!~ indeed...

6. Di manakah restoran terakhir kamu makan malam?
bamboo with my auntie...

7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?
Cinta 3 suku ( alaf21)

8. Apakah nama penuh kamu?
Nazratul amira bt. Fisol credit to mama n abah..

9. Kamu lebih senang dgn mak/ayah?
Kalau bab2 berbincang masalah ke hape seme ngadu dengan abah
Kalau bab2 duit / masalah wanita... pasal kawen... dgn ma ( we are exactly the same...)

10. Namakan seseorang yg kamu ingin jumpa utk pertama kalinya dalam hidup anda?
errr... NO ONE.. huu

11. Sebutkan 8 nama sahabat yg paling rapat dgn kamu
Untuk mengelakkan rase terasa di hati.. saye pilih untuk tidak meletakkan nama sape2...

12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian anda sendiri?
haaa tak lahh.. bukan saye... makcik sebelah rumah tolong cuci.. ngee ape la.. saye lah yg cuci pang karang!!~

13. Tempat paling seronok kamu mahu pergi
PErgi katel peraduan saye... ngeee sebb the place to go is the place where u can rest ur body n ur mind.. nowhere else except my bed... so lovely doesnt it...

14. Pelukan atau ciuman?

it can be both??? because i'll love it if i can have both... in package.. Ngeee (@_@)

15. 8 perkara yg amat saya gilai
- surfing internet
- layan youtube...!
- dah... dua jek. ngade la nak sampai 8 gile. Gile sikit2 sudah la eyh. Hik!
- kemas rumah n masak...
- gomol2 ngn kucen saye...
- chatting ngn si dia.. (saper ek)
- baca novel
- Study (paling last) ngeee

16. 8 perkataan yg sering diucapkan

- adeh
- har har har
- cool~
- mongok!~
- g mati plss!
- erks...l
- erm..
- keskeskes

17. 8 buah buku yg paling terbaru dibaca
perh! bebetol nk tahu ke ni?? jgn nyesal ok??
- physiology of human
- pharmacology for medical stud
- anatomy of human 
- histology
- pathology
- biochemistry
- microbiology
- parasitology

18. 8 buah lagu yg saya boleh dengar berulang kali
- Hindi songs
- espcially for u - mymp
- knife - rockwell
- tilu - ku bukan aku
- could i have this kiss forever - whitney ft enrique
- percaya padaku - ungu
- tentang perasaanku - irwansyah
- firework - katy perry

19. 8 perkara yg saya pelajari tahun lalu

- Jangan mudah menitiskan airmata
- Jangan byk makan kalu nak kurus ( takleh control la,... )
- Jangan terlalu mencintai... sakitnya tanggung sendiri (betul2) tapi still cant help it.. im keep falling.. how lah!!!
- Sayang kat org yg sygkan ak.. tau hargai ak dan boleh paham ak~ (exactly the same~)
- Jangan terlalu baik hati ( hurm empathy of mine is on everyone... really cant help it)
- Mulakan menabung ( paling susah) keskeskes
- study kene kuat!!!
- Ak percaya pada DIA... setiap kesakitan, kesedihan, dan kesusahan yg pernah ak alami... pasti 
DIA punya agendaNYA mengapa ak begini~ Redha... (betul) cayalah sis!!! 

P/s : /me masalas nk menaip sebenarnya... ngee

20. Apa erti cinta?
bak kata rahul (shahrukhkhan) - love means frenship har har har ( go die ok)
bak kata diri sendiri  - Love is about sacrificing and devoting.. when u willing to devote and sacrifices. ...then u are in love

another funny tagged..

1. Siapa orang yang kau teringin nak tampar?
Nak buat list ke???? ramai siot!!~ tambah2 gerangan yg suke menyusahkan hidup aku.. bukan takat tampo.. mau aku tembak ngn M16

2. Siapa kau nak jadi Sugar Daddy kau. Bagi sorang je, wajib Malaysian.
Ha... sape erk?? aku sugar2 daddy ni kureng diabetes nnti.. aiyar sapa mau jawab... sape erk?? tamo la kerepot sgt kan.. tapi nk yg kayaz... sape erk.. ermm
tayah la hebat2 sgt.. Tan Sri Muhyiddin yasin pun dah ok.. Ngee Peace!!

3. Siapa manusia paling annoying kau pernah jumpa? Siapa orang paling famous kau pernah jumpa? Siapakah orang paling vain kau pernah jumpa?
Annoying - My Ex Bf
Famous - Menteri Besar Perlis & Amir Diab
Vain - no IDEA & NO COMMENT (buat ala2 artis sikit) 

4. Apa yang kau paling harapkan dari pasangan kau?
truly n full devotions... im the one n only one..  no others women.. plus (+) he know how to snatch my parents' hearts away

5. Kau penah kentut dalam lif?
aaaaa soklan mengantoikan aku... nk jujur ke tak??? aaa biarlah hati je tahu keskeskes

6. Makanan paling jijik kau pernah makan?
Tade kot... huuuu paling jijik pun biskut lemau!!~

7. Rancangan Tv paling bodoh kau pernah tengok?
citer ape erk... haaa citer yg kunun2 nk tiru citer fairy tales la sgt tapi ya rabbi.... graphic gile bangang!!~

8. Kalau terperangkap dlm jem, pastu rasa terkencing, apa kau akan buat? 
sediakan disposable 1litre empty drinking water bottle?? or u guys got any better solution?heh..

9. Kau stalk hp or email kekasih kau tak atau share password fb/email?
erm.. tak pernah kot... yes even if we are couple... but still not yet married.. so.. i have my own freedoms the rights of a person to be independent is still mine.... so.. kalau takat nk share fb or password email.. no hal la.. selagi individual tu tak kisah (bila syg) ngee.. tapi kalau rasa tak selesa just straight jer... u can control but in very fine way so.. both of us will feel very comfortable.. (panjang lak jawapan ni... maap!!)

10. Kalau jumpa kucing kena langgar kereta dah separuh mati kaki putus, kau buat apa? hantar gi klinik ke, bunuh supaya tidak terseksa, atau lari menangis sebab tak sanggup tgk?
huuuu immediately bawak g jumpe vet berdekatan... i cant stand just to cry n watch... because i love to cats.. if  they hurts.. mean im hurts too...

11. Apa perasaan kau bile tengok cermin sorang2?A
alamak!!! lagi satu jerawat da... pastu.. bile lak aku inject angin lam pp aku.. cm belon je persisnye... (@_@)

12. Kalau kau jumpa gambar wanita bogel yang kau kenali (selain dari artis mahupun pelakon porn) dalam pc bf kau, apa kau buat? 
ku amek pc tu... ku hempuk!!! kat kepala bf ak bior muka die kuar ikot monitor.. pastu cable tu aku cocok kat bontot perempuan jalang tu tadi.. har har har nice circuit isn't it...

13. Apa kau buat kalau kawan kau asyik mengadu benda yang sama berbulan2? Pastu orang nasihat taknak dgr.
haaa kalau buah ni... aku kata ape tau.. wey.. aku habaq tamau dengaq pastu dok nyusahkan hidup aku.. hais.. kalau tak mo dengar jgn la ngadu buat je cara sendiri... tak pun dah tade idea sgt.. korek lubang kubo sendiri!~ pastu ko masuk dalam.. pastu ko kambus..~ tayah kapan pun tak pe.. jimat belanja urus jenazah sendirian berhad ok... sekian terima kasih...

14. Kalau nampak kawan ade taik hidung nak terkeluar, atau ade 2 helai bulu hidung yg terlebih pjg terkeluar dr hidung, bgtau direct ke, tarik tepi dan bisik ke, gelakkan ngan org lain ke atau buat tatau?
haaa aku tak cakap kot... aku tenung je...... pastu bile die tanye ' hang tenung apa wey.. aku tau aku comey.. jgn tgk2 malu' aku jawab balik ' haa mmg la comey sebb tu aku tgk tambah2  tu lombong bijih timah ko tu... taik bijih sampai terkuor2 ngn rumput2 sekali terlekat.' har har har 

15. Hantu dari filem mana kau paling takut?
setakat ni.. tade lagi kot.. paling takut pun.. Antu korea.. huuu...giler la... terkezut2 cukup 20 kali tengok! berenti jantung aku.. free je penggali kubo dapt duit sebb tolong gali kubo aku...

A new Piece of my life... is now on board..

Assalamualaikum wbt...
dan salam sejahtera...

ngeeee~ :D

ok la... sebb lama tak update my blog ni rasa nya hari ni nk start ngn mukaddimah yang lazim la iaitu tak lain tak bukan update about myself...

few months ago i was in malaysia... sebb evacuation of the egypt malaysian student sebb ade riot tu kan... best giler kat mesia... sgt2 best ok... 
but now!!! im here again in alexandria... continue what i left to do here...

well there is a sad news  tht i need to tell i lost my cat... the orange cat which i named it as diddle.... died of internal bleeding of filariasis... 

erm... now the only one left is my snowy... n i love him very much... no one could ever imagine how much i love him...

then i started my studies.. classes as well as exams... been a very busy moment but still im stable... :) no worries at all...
with those all bad eyes and those probs coming n flowing into my life... im still very stable n still here continuing my study... Allah really hold me onto it... :D alhamdulillah~

nowadays i was attacked!! by flu n cold....   maybe sebb weather is changing.. from winter to spring so last week i got spring catarrhal... n now is about to change to the summer...  its pretty hot day but not as hot u guys felt in malaysia.. its hot... but u guys still feel comfortable.. n pluss my house is near the sea shore.. so.. nothing to be worried of i guess...

erm... wat else i shud tell... now is the seasons of exammm in malaysia as well as in here... hais...
i wonder if i ever live without exam week in here... har har har... kinda so not happening...

its been awhile since i hugs my mom n daddy... i miss my little sisters n brother... nothing here can be compared with what i have in malaysia... erm.. :((
tho things are not still the same... they are my properties n my strength after all.. no one can change nobody ever does... :)

well btw... nice writing in here... some expression of feelings to this kind of medium makes us feel better.... writing isn't bad... when u know where n when to do so.. just be urself n try to do the right thing that u think beneficial to u... u wont regret and there no blame will be place onto ur head when u did sumthing good for ur self...  its for our own satisfactions.. no one has right to deny what u know about urself.. only we know the best of ours n still He knows us all.. :)  


TaGged Lagi

Rasa nya mcm lama gila tak update blog ini....
tebal giler sawang kalau jual leh kayazzzz saye.. har har har lebey kaya dr Husen Lempoyan! wow!!
tapi tu la bila nk strt blog je mesti blurr tatau nk tulis ape... adoi la... cemana erk.. T_T
n nasib baik la ade blog kak fasya leh la curi2 wat tagged.. hahahahaha best2!!!

eh alamek!! lupe bg salam kat diary kesayangan...

AssaLamuaLaikum wbt :D ngee 
XOXO to My Diary ni

1. Rancangan Realiti TV yang kau teringin sangat nak masuk dan kenapa.
nak masuk... roda impian!!! leh menang wang BESAR yahooo~ leh wat kawen har har har

2. Kalau diberi peluang masuk Amazing Race, siapa pasangan yang kau akan pilih.
aaa mesti la kekasih hati saye... tapi saye tak tahu sape.. cemana neh??? any solving??

3. Rancangan Realiti TV paling menyampah kau tengok.
mentor ngn af... baik aku belek buku bertimbun tu dr dok belek diorang nyanyi!! wat de hek la kan... ngeee (@_@)^^

4. Bakat yang kau harap sangat ada pada kau.
bakat ape erk... tatau ler.. har har tak penah nk tahu bakat tidor  kot... 

5. Kalau diberi peluang dan mesin masa untuk kembali ke zaman lampau, concert siapa yang kau teringin nak pergi tengok?
erm flamenco, jazz and orchestra n also theater...

6. Tattoo. Kau nak? Boleh. Tapi hanya satu, dan mesti tattoo wajah celebrity. Wajah siapa kau nak?
haaaa tattoo ke???? bley g mati ok... kalau nk letak pun.. aku letak la muke aku sendiri ape brg muke org... kalau nk letak muke org... aku buat tattoo kat bontot.. baru ade UmmPpPpPhh!

tears hard to be understood

gloomy day

it was pretty a long time..
Since the sun shine ever brighten my sky
its been along time too till i realized that i was gasping..
it was too dull... it was too gloomy 
seems likely the earth of mine was blew up by huge tornado..
nothing seems to be the way it was..
the moonlight fading away... 
bringing together creeping step of love dust..
slowly passing through out decades of times..
its hard to stand..  and falling is hurt..
I've been wishing for a reason... to be elaborated..
I've been waiting for a truth to be revealed..
and yet.. wish is just a wish..
and waiting is worthless
this pieces of heart of mine hurting over again
turning over to the other leaf seem to be the most impossible thing to be done..
as wind whisper... and the birds chirping literally calm my mind..
bayou of the medi oceans... and the shadow of the darkness revealing the most wonderful part of universe secret..
the realm ain't cruel..  solitaire was a nearest souls diving deep into the sea of life ...
once as it trying to bring up the truth..
but sometimes what we saw is not what actually it was..
as its still blurry till u ....
revealing ain't an easy process...
revealing ain't  something that really can make u smile... mostly..
there's no end of life enthusiasm 
there's no border for howling sadness..
souls and life is torturing when u deviate form its path...
life never been so wonderful and yet it never been so easy..
at the very last of all this sigh...


ni update terbaru about me n myself..
evacuation is on 1 am 5th feb 2011
g jeddah naik flight
pastu dr jeddah naik kapal laut???
7-10 days plak tuuuuuu
sib baik mama volunteer nk tolong belikan tiket..
waaa sian mama dah la tiket mahal.. T_T
hope fully usaha wisma putra ngn mara mintak kerajaan tukar kiteorang nek flight balik mesia termakbul sebb jauhhh siottt... 10 ari lak tu atas kapal..
kalau star cruis tape tau
ni kapal tldm.. can u imagine.. bukan nk demand or ape.. tapi entah la... huhu~
tapi hope sgt... leh balik nek flight.. 10 days is long time... 

my new update.. hurm~

Dear Mr.Diary.....

Its been a long time ago since i write in you...
At first i was busy with my exam.. so i 've got to leave you for a moment with thought 
that we will meet again after a month..
Things come and goes uncertainly...
As fast as a blink of eyes.. i almost finished with my final exam...
Too many of that i wanna tell you.. the tears.. the tense.. n the funniest thing about all i've been goin thru..
As i said... thing s come n goes uncertainly... and everything become upside down..
 a very unfortunate of me... stuck in this life threatening situation..
We all Malaysian student in here.. (Alexandria,Egypt) was ordered to be in home.. 18 hours starting from
 1 pm till 8 am in the morning.
The curfew was launched because there was a big riot held in capital of Egypt, Cairo.. and in the center of Alexandria the place where i'm living..
For the time being... we are all safe except an unfortunate girl who was raped n robbed.. in a place call Mandarah  nearby my city.. well we not sure whether that is true or just a rumors..
By the way... there a lot of news i heard from Malaysia... about the evacuation~ is it true???
I was afraid of hoping they will evacuates us.. its kinda freaking nightmare that i was stuck in this situation..
I really hope they will make it out.... living here now become so much unbearable.. i;m sure u will never want to experience this kind of life.. its like living in world war 2 era.. 
soldier is everywhere giving u such a freaky stare... 
As i walked by the street...  broken glass is everywhere.. police depot was burnt down to ash.. all the government properties are destroyed.. it was like hell fall down here.. 
First day of riot..  there were thousands of resident joining and show the rebellious toward the government... 
Few was killed... and injured.. noisy sound of a outburst voice of the resident breaking the quiet space of the Egypt atmosphere..  violence is everywhere..  tanks was here and there.. the army was scattered all over.. trying to solve n put the situation under control... guess shooting incident happen and worsen the worst  riot..
we all the malaysian student was not excluded from the consequences..  food supply was like stopped.. also the telephone line was terminated for 24 hours on the first day of riot.. restore  in the second day.. it just the internet just restored today evening.. :D thank god.. i miss my mom... my dad my family~ n i miss him... so much.. i can endure this thing for any longer... 
the bad news about me... i have to send my kids (abg & adik) to someone else that can take care of them.. huuu wat a sad farewell.. n of course i'll try my best to not let this farewell became a forever goodbye... i love them more then i love myself.. but for the time being.. i just have to put this thing in that way... huuuu..
to much writing.. so guess better stop here  and i'll continue if there any updates about me soon.. insyaAllah as long as as the connection is not terminated again..