
..:: click click::..


tension.jpg tension image by Miichelle18


..::love reflection::..

animated.gif Love is in the air... image by lollipop_princess08

i woke up from my long sleep..
feeling tired and itchy..
all over my body....
my brain smiling...
because it suddenly remember..
wat we talked last nite..

th0046.gif winter love image by freedert17

im straighten my bed sheet..
make it tidy...
its cost some efforts...
my lips smile...
while my mind flash back all the memories..
b4 i closed my eyes last nite...
u made my day..

36_22_19.gif mirror mirror on the wall image by DarkFrieDragon

i went to my washroom..
looking at messy woke up face..
staring at myself over a mirror..
make me smile...
in my mind i was thinking of u...
1317311ko307o7kvp.gif Smiling Teeth image by momoftobus
i was brushing my teeth..
am i really brushing my teeth??
i dnt even remember..
wat i actually did when i was in washroom..
because my mind was occupied with u...
i can only remember u..
n only u...

kitty_keyboard.gif Kitty Typing image by AngelofthePhoenix

till now moment...
im not sure..
wat im doin exactly..
i am typing a blog post for my latest entry??
im actually writing about u...
u drove me crazy...
u spin up my head up by just just smiling at me...
u melted heart...
by staring at me...

wat im actually doin..
i dont even realize it..

laughing.gif laughing image by aedrielyve
it kinda funny..
because i dnt know my self..
n tht is wonderful thing...
is tht wonderful when we cant recognized ourself...
n not even noticed..
wat we were actually doin..
in some cases.. may b its dreadful
but wat im feeling is awesome...

dont wanna lose this feeling...
its more precious than everything..
p/s : dear... u really made my day.. n i shall thnk to u... for giving me such happiness without u realize it... im inspired with u presence... im lost... when u step away from me.. even a step... i wanna hold u... to be sure.. tht u never gonna leave me.. n always be by my side.. whenever i need u...

DowN - jay sean

Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Even if the sky is falling down,
Down, down

You oughta know, tonight is the night to let it go,
Put on a show, I wanna see how you lose control,

So leave it behind 'cause we, have a night to get away,
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape.

So baby don't worry, you are my only,
You won't be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You'll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Even if the sky is falling down,

Just let it be, come on and bring your body next to me,
I'll take you away, hey, turn this place into our private getaway,

So leave it behind 'cause we, have a night to get away,
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape,

So baby don't worry, you are my only,
You won't be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You'll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Even if the sky is falling down,

(LiL Wayne)
Even if the sky is falling down like she supposed to be,
She gets down low for me,
Down like her temperature, 'cause to me she zero degrees,
She cold, overfreeze,
I got that girl from overseas,
Now she my miss America,
Now can I be her soldier please,
I'm fighting for this girl,
On a battlefield of love,
Don't it look like baby cupid sendin arrows from above,
Don't you ever leave the side of me,
Indefinitely, not probably,
And honestly I'm down like the economy,

So baby don't worry, you are my only,
You won't be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You'll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, Down,
Even if the sky is falling down

p/s : dear... i really love this song... ^_^

actually kan

sebenarnya kan...
dalam lecture..
lecture ke???
praktikal rasanya...
tapikan... sebenarnya...
prof tak datang lagi...
tak tahu ar ade ke tak ni..
ke nk cancel algi... dah banyk kali kot cancel...
tapi yg penting..
sempat lagi mengulor ni...
posting blog...
ahaks... syuttt tau... jgn bgtau org... kang kantoi..
seaelam kan... tgh ade lecture pasal parasitology tetibe ade idea nk post blog..
pasal parasit yg aku belaja tu..
balik2 terus lupe aku nk post..
nampak sgt tk igt lecture ajar ape..
mati la..

everytime we touch...


Dear Diary....

nak bagitahu satu jer...


i let go the pain~


the most important is...

i can get over myself!!!

giler.... tak tahan siot... +_+

adeh... macm nk pecah dado den tgk si edward ni....

he's kinda perfect creature i've ever seen!!~


edward and bella..
the most ideal..romantic..passionate.
couple i ever met...
even just in da screen... they touched my heart...


one of the scene in the twilight saga...

hee.... masa kat rumah edward...
bella said 'i dont dance'

i really wish sumbody could protect me
as wat edward did towards bella...

kalo la ade org stare mcm ni on me...
pecah jantung den...

at the early story
when edward exposed himself as a vampire...

so sweet kan~
laughing together...

i wish sumbody could look at me like tht whenever i feel lonely n solemn


Untitled-1-1.png gembira image by redwood212

hari ni dah oleh tarik nafas lega...
beban sikit2 menjauh...
load n burden yg selama ni rasa tak tertanggung...
rasa mcm sikit2 berkurang....

hari ni.. satu lagi burden dah rasa mcm terlepas dr bahu...
result dah kuar...
rasa nyer tak perlu kot publish kat sini...
tapi apa yang penting..
tade yg failed...

walaupun cukup2 mkn... rasanya setimpal jer...
-_^(wink) kepada siapa yg tahu ape yg 'setimpal'
bersyukur sgt....
sebb bajet save n tak lari..
kalo failed dah kene bayar 100 USD
untuk satu paper...
tak ke lari bajet... kan2?

malam ni tidur ngn hati yg senang...
esok bgun pepagi kene g kelas..
ade praktikal patho...
cant wait to see my life change...

My SYMPTOMS of the day!~











ketakutan yg amat sgt... sebb result nk keluar!~
hypersensitivity reaction of fear...

anti-depressant ( needed)
theophylline (sustained released bronchodilator)
non - sedatives anti histamine...

last sem nyer result just around the cornerrrrrrrr!~

dear diary....

hari ni... ade satu kelas jer.. PBL....
so this time we diagnosed about PEPTIC ULCER or GASTRIC ULCER
penat jugak la... tapi best..
so esok ade praktikal parasitology... n anatomy... tapi... mcm takde jer...

sebenarnyer kan....
result examkan..... nk kuar esok lusa

N seriously say... im not actually waiting for it T_T
sebb i was wishing tht it will never COMEOUT

result exam final last sem nyer...
wawawawawawawawawa T_T
siyesly takot.......
jantung ni mcm nk pecah... siyes...
tiap kali systolic....
rase pressure mcm lebih dr 120...
kinda it up to 1000 mmhg...

lung ni pulak kang...
rasa mcm vagus nerve kene potong...
sebb tiap kali bernafas...
rase mcm over inflated...
mcm nk pecah rib cage tu pun ade...
pleura sac nyer negativity jgn ckp la...
siyes takut....
kalo failed mcm mana......
nak mengulang 100USD ooooo satu paper!!!!!!!

tamo failed!!!!!!

tak tahu la
tiap kali nk kuar result mesti mcm ni..
rasa tak yakin~
mama abahhhhhhhhhh
tolong akak.............
tamo failedddddddddddddddddddddddd~

liver rase ulcerated.....
spleen pulak rasa mcm enlarged...
urinary bladder asik full!
rectum nyer peristalsis non-stoppppppp
uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa T_T..

mama, abah tolong doakan akak yer...
n for those yg baca my blog... tolong doakan aku k... supaya
result aku tade yg failed... amin ya rabbal alamin......
masyaAllahhhhhhhhhhhhh............ ketaq lutut ya rabiiiiiiiiiiiiii...

broken hearted girl

you’re everything I thought you never were
And nothing like I thought you could’ve been
But still you live inside of me
So tell me how is that?

You’re the only one I wish I could forget
The only one I’d love enough to not forgive
And though you break my heart, you’re the only one
And though there are times when I hate you
Cause I can’t erase
The times that you hurt me
And put tears on my face
And even now while I hate you
It pains me to say
I know I’ll be there at the end of the day

I don’t wanna be without you babe
I don’t want a broken heart
Don’t wanna take a breath with out you babe
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way no no
I don’t want a broken heart
And I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No...No
No broken-hearted girl
I’m no broken-hearted girl

Something that I feel I need to say
But up to now I’ve always been afraid
That you would never come around
And still I want to put this out
You say you’ve got the most respect for me
But sometimes I feel you’re not deserving me
And still you’re in my heart
But you’re the only one and yes
There are times when I hate you
But I don’t complain
Cause I’ve been afraid that you would've walk away
Oh but now I don’t hate you
I’m happy to say
That I will be there at the end of the day

Now I’m at a place I thought I’d never be…Oooo
I’m living in a world that’s all about you and me…yeah
Ain't gotta be afraid my broken heart is free
To spread my wings and fly away
Away With you
yeah yeah yeah, ohh ohh ohh

if i could..

If i could open a door to anywhre...
where will i go...
which place will i choose...

yes... mekah will be my first destination...
b4 its too late...
i wish to visit there even for once in my lifetime...
i'll bring along my family for sure..

venice, italy..
the my next choice ..i wish to visit...
the city of love..
i really wish to go there n spend my precious time there...
with my sumone... :D

rome n spain..
the most historical place in my mind...
feeling great about those place..
the art..
so awesome

new zealand...
the alps..
so mesmerizing..
n boleh minum susu fernleaf sekali :P

niagara falls
the most beautiful waterfalls i ever knew...
nk p ngn sidia...
create the most wonderful memories together...
once in lifetime...

my fantasy field...
whre i can find no one...
just me..
or maybe with him.. ^_^
the greatest happiness of my life if n only if i could visit there..

balik rumah... Home Sweet Home
to home whre my life begin..
dalam tu ada mama.. ada abah.. ada adik2..
back to the people whom i've devoted my life forever...

my last destination...
back to the most powerful creator...
an eternity happiness..



i want to cry...
i want to laugh...


dah giler kot....


yg ditggu...
yg disangka...
ilang ghaib...
tetibe BUZZ!!~
hee.. ym la...

nk nangis....


yg dituggu...
yg disangka..
ilang ghaib...
penuh dusta di dada...

dusta ker??
benar dusta??
tak sure??

aah kan..
mana satu ek..

yg ada di genggam...
tu nk wat apa??

ape yg di genggam??

ape yer..

yg tu benar syg..

ye ke syg..??
yer la...
mcm tak jer..??

pandai2 je kate tak...
tak tahu...
tahu dusta...
tahu nista...
nk percaya jugak...

nk wat mcm mana ehh..
buat bodoh jer la..

mana boleh..



tak tahu...
konpius neh...

trust ur heart...
lies come b4 truth...
it will keep coming for times..
b4 plain truth appear...

mcm mana tuh..
tak paham la..

tu namanyer takdir dear...



so nk let it be je ke??

may be...

are u sure??

quite sure...

not convincing enuf...

nothing can convince u except ur heart...


buat ikut hati..

nnti terluka lagi...

thts fate...

errr fate pula...

mcm ni la...
selagi yg benar belum muncul...
we never knew the lies were lies..
as we never know the truth..
isnt it??

tak semua bende yg kite rasa tipu, dusta, nista
itu ada benar satu penipuan..
it might be the truth...
just we are not realize about tht..

human always make mistakes
so do heart...

tak semua yg kite rasa tipu..
adalah benar tipu...

tak semua yg kite rasa betul tu betul..

eh.. logik jugak..

thts y kite panggil kehidupan...
nothing impossible..
nothing definite...

heee betul2..

tapi.. bukan setiap ketika boleh pk mcm ni...

errr mcm tu pulak...

we must be flexible....

ohh.. aah kan..
ikut flow of life jer la ek..

absolutely syg...




igt yer...
ape yg tipu..
tak semestinya tipu..
n tak semestinya kebenaran jugak...
ok dear...


it can be both..

pelik nye hidup kan...

kalo tk pelik boring la hidup..


so always igt k...


be flexible...
jgn terus kate nista sebelum tahu kebenaran....
jgn kate benar sebelum tahu kepalsuan...

ape yg x pasti..
walau sebesar zarah...
masih ada peluangnyer...
okeh syg??


so jgn terus wat keputusan by just a look

be wise k dear...
sumtimes hati betul...
sumtmes salah...

maybe nampak palsu..
tapi sebenarnya betul...

maybe nampak tulen..
tapi sebenarnya palsu...

abes mcm mana nk wat keputusan...

selepas semua clear...

tapi tak lambat ker??
tak terlambat ker???

sempat atau tak...
terpulang pada masa...

:) okeh..

orite dear...

always remember tht ok??

