
..:: click click::..

..::love reflection::..

animated.gif Love is in the air... image by lollipop_princess08

i woke up from my long sleep..
feeling tired and itchy..
all over my body....
my brain smiling...
because it suddenly remember..
wat we talked last nite..

th0046.gif winter love image by freedert17

im straighten my bed sheet..
make it tidy...
its cost some efforts...
my lips smile...
while my mind flash back all the memories..
b4 i closed my eyes last nite...
u made my day..

36_22_19.gif mirror mirror on the wall image by DarkFrieDragon

i went to my washroom..
looking at messy woke up face..
staring at myself over a mirror..
make me smile...
in my mind i was thinking of u...
1317311ko307o7kvp.gif Smiling Teeth image by momoftobus
i was brushing my teeth..
am i really brushing my teeth??
i dnt even remember..
wat i actually did when i was in washroom..
because my mind was occupied with u...
i can only remember u..
n only u...

kitty_keyboard.gif Kitty Typing image by AngelofthePhoenix

till now moment...
im not sure..
wat im doin exactly..
i am typing a blog post for my latest entry??
im actually writing about u...
u drove me crazy...
u spin up my head up by just just smiling at me...
u melted heart...
by staring at me...

wat im actually doin..
i dont even realize it..

laughing.gif laughing image by aedrielyve
it kinda funny..
because i dnt know my self..
n tht is wonderful thing...
is tht wonderful when we cant recognized ourself...
n not even noticed..
wat we were actually doin..
in some cases.. may b its dreadful
but wat im feeling is awesome...

dont wanna lose this feeling...
its more precious than everything..
p/s : dear... u really made my day.. n i shall thnk to u... for giving me such happiness without u realize it... im inspired with u presence... im lost... when u step away from me.. even a step... i wanna hold u... to be sure.. tht u never gonna leave me.. n always be by my side.. whenever i need u...