
..:: click click::..

Dear Diary..

Hari ni tak tahu nk post ape... tapi.. nk luah sumthing...

semalam happy sgt... lepas dengar ape yg die ckp... happy sgt tuhan jer tahu...
tapi... dalam hati masih risau... sejauh mana kebenaran luahan die...
i was curious...

Then lam masa lam lect hall.. i was online with him while salin note lect... i was in happy mode.. then im came out with a question.. n the answer was horrible... such a big impact... i dnt know whether is just a joke or the truth.. ermm

ape pun the things is.. the 'answer' ruined my mood for entire day.... balik jer dr lect nk jalan pun tade mood.. i was at the bottom at my spirit.. down sgt..

maybe sebb terlalu berharap... ermm kene berhenti ke??
susahnyer becoz my heart dah trapped.. sad...

then mcm2 masalah appear lepas balik umah.. ngn heater la rosak... peti ais la.. sumbat la... nk wat notes lagi... siyes ly rase nk nangis jer... rasa tk kuat sgt... dengan elaun tk masuk lagi.. nk wat bnyk bende ni... the only thing i can do nk lupe masalh sekejap.. just tido... tapi tk leh lelama sebab kene bangun..

notes n books kene baca.. kalo tak rugi jer.. ermm
i really need support...
sekrg ni.. rasa susah hati sgt2.. tak tahu nk ngadu kat sapa... tak nk ngadu kat mama n abah.. dewang jauh... nnti dewang susah hati...

siyesly air mata rasa nk menitik masa tulis post ni... the only place yg aku boleh cerita everything.. express everything.. kat sini jer...

hati ni rasa nk luruh jer.. berat sgt2.. kalo la boleh tido selamanya dan lupakan masalh ni~ hurm..